




Read a brief summary of this topic

engineering, the application of science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. The field has been defined by the Engineers Council for Professional Development, in the United States, as the creative application of “scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behaviour under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.” The term engineering is sometimes more loosely defined, especially in Great Britain, as the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools, and machine parts.

The words engine and ingenious are derived from the same Latin root, ingenerare, which means “to create.” The early English verb engine meant “to contrive.” Thus, the engines of war were devices such as catapults, floating bridges, and assault towers; their designer was the “engine-er,” or military engineer. The counterpart of the military engineer was the civil engineer, who applied essentially the same knowledge and skills to designing buildings, streets, water supplies, sewage systems, and other projects.

Magnified phytoplankton (pleurosigma angulatum) seen through a microscope, a favorite object for testing the high powers of microscopes. Photomicroscopy. Hompepage blog 2009, history and society, science and technology, explore discovery
Science: Fact or Fiction?
Do you get fired up about physics? Giddy about geology? Sort out science fact from fiction with these questions.

Associated with engineering is a great body of special knowledge; preparation for professional practice involves extensive training in the application of that knowledge. Standards of engineering practice are maintained through the efforts of professional societies, usually organized on a national or regional basis, with all members acknowledging a responsibility to the public over and above responsibilities to their employers or to other members of their society.

The function of the scientist is to know, while that of the engineer is to do. Scientists add to the store of verified systematized knowledge of the physical world, and engineers bring this knowledge to bear on practical problems. Engineering is based principally on physicschemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanicsthermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

Unlike scientists, engineers are not free to select the problems that interest them. They must solve problems as they arise, and their solutions must satisfy conflicting requirements. Usually, efficiency costs money, safety adds to complexity, and improved performance increases weight. The engineering solution is the optimum solution, the end result that, taking many factors into account, is most desirable. It may be the most reliable within a given weight limit, the simplest that will satisfy certain safety requirements, or the most efficient for a given cost. In many engineering problems the social and environmental costs are significant.

Engineers employ two types of natural resources—materials and energy. Materials are useful because of their properties: their strength, ease of fabrication, lightness, or durability; their ability to insulate or conduct; their chemical, electrical, or acoustical properties. Important sources of energy include fossil fuels (coalpetroleumnatural gas), windsunlightfalling water, and nuclear fission. Since most resources are limited, engineers must concern themselves with the continual development of new resources as well as the efficient utilization of existing ones.

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History of engineering

The first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at ṢaqqārahEgypt, probably about 2550 BCE. Imhotep’s successors—Egyptian, Persian, Greek, and Roman—carried civil engineering to remarkable heights on the basis of empirical methods aided by arithmetic, geometry, and a smattering of physical science. The Pharos (lighthouse) of AlexandriaSolomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, the Colosseum in Rome, the Persian and Roman road systems, the Pont du Gard aqueduct in France, and many other large structures, some of which endure to this day, testify to their skill, imagination, and daring. Of many treatises written by them, one in particular survives to provide a picture of engineering education and practice in classical times: Vitruvius’s De architectura, published in Rome in the 1st century CE, a 10-volume work covering building materials, construction methods, hydraulics, measurement, and town planning.

In construction, medieval European engineers carried technique, in the form of the Gothic arch and flying buttress, to a height unknown to the Romans. The sketchbook of the 13th-century French engineer Villard de Honnecourt reveals a wide knowledge of mathematics, geometry, natural and physical science, and draftsmanship.

In Asia, engineering had a separate but very similar development, with more and more sophisticated techniques of construction, hydraulics, and metallurgy helping to create advanced civilizations such as the Mongol empire, whose large, beautiful cities impressed Marco Polo in the 13th century.

Civil engineering emerged as a separate discipline in the 18th century, when the first professional societies and schools of engineering were founded. Civil engineers of the 19th century built structures of all kinds, designed water-supply and sanitation systems, laid out railroad and highway networks, and planned cities. England and Scotland were the birthplace of mechanical engineering, as a derivation of the inventions of the Scottish engineer James Watt and the textile machinists of the Industrial Revolution. The development of the British machine-tool industry gave tremendous impetus to the study of mechanical engineering both in Britain and abroad.

The growth of knowledge of electricity—from Alessandro Volta’s original electric cell of 1800 through the experiments of Michael Faraday and others, culminating in 1872 in the Gramme dynamo and electric motor (named after the Belgian Zénobe-Théophile Gramme)—led to the development of electrical and electronics engineering. The electronics aspect became prominent through the work of such scientists as James Clerk Maxwell of Britain and Heinrich Hertz of Germany in the late 19th century. Major advances came with the development of the vacuum tube by Lee de Forest of the United States in the early 20th century and the invention of the transistor in the mid-20th century. In the late 20th century electrical and electronics engineers outnumbered all others in the world.

Chemical engineering grew out of the 19th-century proliferation of industrial processes involving chemical reactions in metallurgy, food, textiles, and many other areas. By 1880 the use of chemicals in manufacturing had created an industry whose function was the mass production of chemicals. The design and operation of the plants of this industry became a function of the chemical engineer.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the field of environmental engineering expanded to address global warming and sustainability. The development and deployment of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, the creation of new technologies for carbon sequestration and pollution control, and the design of green architecture and environmentally friendly urban planning are all recent developments.

Engineering functions

Problem solving is common to all engineering work. The problem may involve quantitative or qualitative factors; it may be physical or economic; it may require abstract mathematics or common sense. Of great importance is the process of creative synthesis or design, putting ideas together to create a new and optimum solution.

Although engineering problems vary in scope and complexity, the same general approach is applicable. First comes an analysis of the situation and a preliminary decision on a plan of attack. In line with this plan, the problem is reduced to a more categorical question that can be clearly stated. The stated question is then answered by deductive reasoning from known principles or by creative synthesis, as in a new design. The answer or design is always checked for accuracy and adequacy. Finally, the results for the simplified problem are interpreted in terms of the original problem and reported in an appropriate form.

In order of decreasing emphasis on science, the major functions of all engineering branches are the following:

  • Research. Using mathematical and scientific concepts, experimental techniques, and inductive reasoning, the research engineer seeks new principles and processes.
  • Development. Development engineers apply the results of research to useful purposes. Creative application of new knowledge may result in a working model of a new electrical circuit, a chemical process, or an industrial machine.
  • Design. In designing a structure or a product, the engineer selects methods, specifies materials, and determines shapes to satisfy technical requirements and to meet performance specifications.
  • Construction. The construction engineer is responsible for preparing the site, determining procedures that will economically and safely yield the desired quality, directing the placement of materials, and organizing the personnel and equipment.
  • Production. Plant layout and equipment selection are the responsibility of the production engineer, who chooses processes and tools, integrates the flow of materials and components, and provides for testing and inspection.
  • Operation. The operating engineer controls machines, plants, and organizations providing power, transportation, and communication; determines procedures; and supervises personnel to obtain reliable and economic operation of complex equipment.
  • Management and other functions. In some countries and industries, engineers analyze customers’ requirements, recommend units to satisfy needs economically, and resolve related problems.
Ralph J. SmithThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica


Encyclopedia Britannica

Wei Mengbian




Civil Engineering

Wei Mengbian

Chinese mechanical engineer

Alternate titles: Wei Meng-pien

By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Edit History

Wei Mengbian, Wade-Giles romanization Wei Meng-pien, (flourished 340 CE), Chinese mechanical engineer. He devised numerous wheeled vehicles, including a type of odometer and a south-pointing carriage. He also built a wagon mill in which rotation of the wheels drove a set of millstones and hammers that automatically processed grain. His mechanisms anticipated those later used by European engineers.

Born: 340

Subjects Of Study: odometer

This article was most recently revised and updated by Robert Curley.




Civil Engineering

mechanical engineering

By Peter McGregor RossSee All Last Updated: Sep 22, 2022 Edit History


Read a brief summary of this topic

mechanical engineering, the branch of engineering concerned with the design, manufacture, installation, and operation of engines and machines and with manufacturing processes. It is particularly concerned with forces and motion.

Key People: Emanuel Swedenborg Richard Trevithick Isambard Kingdom Brunel Ron Toomer Ursula Burns

Related Topics: engineering


The invention of the steam engine in the latter part of the 18th century, providing a key source of power for the Industrial Revolution, gave an enormous impetus to the development of machinery of all types. As a result, a new major classification of engineering dealing with tools and machines developed, receiving formal recognition in 1847 in the founding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Birmingham, Eng.

International Space Station


history of technology: Mechanical contrivances

Though slight, the mechanical achievements of the Greco-Roman centuries were not without significance....

Mechanical engineering has evolved from the practice by the mechanic of an art based largely on trial and error to the application by the professional engineer of the scientific method in research, design, and production. The demand for increased efficiency is continually raising the quality of work expected from a mechanical engineer and requiring a higher degree of education and training.

Mechanical engineering functions

Four functions of the mechanical engineer, common to all branches of mechanical engineering, can be cited. The first is the understanding of and dealing with the bases of mechanical science. These include dynamics, concerning the relation between forces and motion, such as in vibration; automatic control; thermodynamics, dealing with the relations among the various forms of heat, energy, and power; fluid flow; heat transfer; lubrication; and properties of materials.

Second is the sequence of research, design, and development. This function attempts to bring about the changes necessary to meet present and future needs. Such work requires a clear understanding of mechanical science, an ability to analyze a complex system into its basic factors, and the originality to synthesize and invent.

Third is production of products and power, which embraces planning, operation, and maintenance. The goal is to produce the maximum value with the minimum investment and cost while maintaining or enhancing longer term viability and reputation of the enterprise or the institution.

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Fourth is the coordinating function of the mechanical engineer, including management, consulting, and, in some cases, marketing.

In these functions there is a long continuing trend toward the use of scientific instead of traditional or intuitive methods. Operations research, value engineering, and PABLA (problem analysis by logical approach) are typical titles of such rationalized approaches. Creativity, however, cannot be rationalized. The ability to take the important and unexpected step that opens up new solutions remains in mechanical engineering, as elsewhere, largely a personal and spontaneous characteristic.

Branches of mechanical engineering

Development of machines for the production of goods

See how mechatronics help engineers create high-tech products such as industrial robots

See how mechatronics help engineers create high-tech products such as industrial robotsSee all videos for this article

The high standard of living in the developed countries owes much to mechanical engineering. The mechanical engineer invents machines to produce goods and develops machine tools of increasing accuracy and complexity to build the machines.

The principal lines of development of machinery have been an increase in the speed of operation to obtain high rates of production, improvement in accuracy to obtain quality and economy in the product, and minimization of operating costs. These three requirements have led to the evolution of complex control systems.

The most successful production machinery is that in which the mechanical design of the machine is closely integrated with the control system. A modern transfer (conveyor) line for the manufacture of automobile engines is a good example of the mechanization of a complex series of manufacturing processes. Developments are in hand to automate production machinery further, using computers to store and process the vast amount of data required for manufacturing a variety of components with a small number of versatile machine tools.

Development of machines for the production of power

The steam engine provided the first practical means of generating power from heat to augment the old sources of power from muscle, wind, and water. One of the first challenges to the new profession of mechanical engineering was to increase thermal efficiencies and power; this was done principally by the development of the steam turbine and associated large steam boilers. The 20th century has witnessed a continued rapid growth in the power output of turbines for driving electric generators, together with a steady increase in thermal efficiency and reduction in capital cost per kilowatt of large power stations. Finally, mechanical engineers acquired the resource of nuclear energy, whose application has demanded an exceptional standard of reliability and safety involving the solution of entirely new problems (see nuclear engineering).

The mechanical engineer is also responsible for the much smaller internal combustion engines, both reciprocating (gasoline and diesel) and rotary (gas-turbine and Wankel) engines, with their widespread transport applications. In the transportation field generally, in air and space as well as on land and sea, the mechanical engineer has created the equipment and the power plant, collaborating increasingly with the electrical engineer, especially in the development of suitable control systems.

Development of military weapons

The skills applied to war by the mechanical engineer are similar to those required in civilian applications, though the purpose is to enhance destructive power rather than to raise creative efficiency. The demands of war have channeled huge resources into technical fields, however, and led to developments that have profound benefits in peace. Jet aircraft and nuclear reactors are notable examples.

Environmental control

The earliest efforts of mechanical engineers were aimed at controlling the human environment by draining and irrigating land and by ventilating mines. Refrigeration and air conditioning are examples of the use of modern mechanical devices to control the environment.

Many of the products of mechanical engineering, together with technological developments in other fields, give rise to noise, the pollution of water and air, and the dereliction of land and scenery. The rate of production, both of goods and power, is rising so rapidly that regeneration by natural forces can no longer keep pace. A rapidly growing field for mechanical engineers and others is environmental control, comprising the development of machines and processes that will produce fewer pollutants and of new equipment and techniques that can reduce or remove the pollution already generated.

John Fleetwood Baker, Baron Baker

Peter McGregor Ross

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica



Health & Medicine

Psychology & Mental Health



By James Burke Edit History

invention, the act of bringing ideas or objects together in a novel way to create something that did not exist before.

incandescent lightbulb

incandescent lightbulb

See all media

Key People: Leonardo da Vinci Thomas Edison Galileo Alexander Graham Bell Carl Friedrich Gauss

Related Topics: patent inventor technology

Building models of what might be

stone tools

stone tools

Ever since the first prehistoric stone tools, humans have lived in a world shaped by invention. Indeed, the brain appears to be a natural inventor. As part of the act of perception, humans assemble, arrange, and manipulate incoming sensory information so as to build a dynamic, constantly updated model of the outside world. The survival value of such a model lies in the fact that it functions as a template against which to match new experiences, so as to rapidly identify anything anomalous that might be life-threatening. Such a model would also make it possible to predict danger. The predictive act would involve the construction of hypothetical models of the way the world might be at some future point. Such models could include elements that might, for whatever reason, be assembled into novel submodels (inventive ideas).

Sumerian cuneiform tablet

Sumerian cuneiform tablet

One of the earliest and most literal examples of this model-building paradigm in action was the ancient Mesopotamian invention of writing. As early as 8000 BCE tiny geometric clay models, used to represent sheep and grain, were kept in clay envelopes, to be used as inventory tallies or else to represent goods during barter. Over time, the tokens were pressed onto the exterior of the wet envelope, which at some point was flattened into a tablet. By about 3100 BCE the impressions had become abstract designs marked on the tablet with a cut reed stalk. These pictograms, known today as cuneiform, were the first writing. And they changed the world.

Johannes Gutenberg in his workshop

Johannes Gutenberg in his workshop

Inventions almost always cause change. Paleolithic stone weapons made hunting possible and thereby triggered the emergence of permanent top-down command structures. The printing press, introduced by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, once and for all curtailed the traditional authority of elders. The typewriter, brought onto the market by Christopher Latham Sholes in the 1870s, was instrumental in freeing women from housework and changing their social status for good (and also increasing the divorce rate).

ball bearing. Disassembled ball bearing. rotational friction Automobile Industry, Engineering, Industry, Machine Part, Metal Industry, Sphere, Steel, Wheel


Inventors and Inventions

Our earliest human ancestors invented the wheel, but who invented the ball bearing that reduces rotational friction? Let the wheels in your head turn while testing your knowledge of inventors and their inventions in this quiz.

What inventors are

Inventors are often extremely observant. In the 1940s Swiss engineer George de Mestral saw tiny hooks on the burrs clinging to his hunting jacket and invented the hook-and-loop fastener system known as Velcro.

Invention can be serendipitous. In the late 1800s a German medical scientist, Paul Ehrlich, spilled some new dye into a Petri dish containing bacilli, saw that the dye selectively stained and killed some of them, and invented chemotherapy. In the mid-1800s an American businessman, Charles Goodyear, dropped a rubber mixture containing sulfur on his hot stove and invented vulcanization.

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Inventors do it for money. Austrian chemist Auer von Welsbach, in developing the gas mantle in the 1880s, provided 30 extra years of profitability to the shareholders of gaslight companies (which at the time were threatened by the new electric light).

Inventions are often unintended. In the early 1890s Edward Acheson, an American entrepreneur in the field of electric lighting, was seeking to invent artificial diamonds when an electrified mix of coke and clay produced the ultrahard abrasive Carborundum. In an attempt to develop artificial quinine in the mid-1800s, British chemist William Perkin’s investigation of coal tar instead created the first artificial dye, tyrian purple—which later fell into Ehrlich’s Petri dish.

Evangelista Torricelli

Evangelista Torricelli

Inventors solve puzzles. In the course of investigating why suction pumps would lift water only about 9 metres (30 feet), Evangelista Torricelli identified air pressure and invented the barometer.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison

Inventors are dogged. The American inventor Thomas Edison, who tested thousands of materials before he chose bamboo to make the carbon filament for his incandescent lightbulb, described his work as "one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” At his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, Edison’s approach was to identify a potential gap in the market and fill it with an invention. His workers were told, “There’s a way to do it better. Find it.”

Serendipity and inspiration

The key to inventive success often requires being in the right place at the right time. Christopher Latham Sholes and Carlos Glidden took their invention to arms manufacturer Remington just when that company’s production lines were running down after the end of the American Civil War. A quick retool turned Remington into the world’s first typewriter manufacturer.

An invention developed for one purpose will sometimes find use in entirely different circumstances. In medieval Afghanistan somebody invented a leather loop to hang on the side of a camel for use as a step when loading the animal. By 1066 the Normans had put the loop on each side of a horse and invented the stirrup. With their feet thus firmly anchored, at the Battle of Hastings that year Norman knights hit opposing English foot soldiers with their lances and the full weight of the horse without being unseated by the shock of the encounter. The Normans won the battle and took over England (and made English the French-Saxon mix it is today).

One invention can inspire another. Gaslight distribution pipes gave Edison the idea for his electricity network. Perforated cards used to control the Jacquard loom led Herman Hollerith to invent punch cards for tabulator use in the 1890 U.S. census.

The quickening pace of invention



Above all, invention appears primarily to involve a “1 + 1 = 3” process similar to the brain’s model-building activity, in which concepts or techniques are brought together for the first time and the outcome is more than the sum of the parts (e.g., spray + gasoline = carburetor).

The more often ideas come together, the more frequently invention occurs. The rate of invention increased sharply, each time, when the exchange of ideas became easier after the invention of the printing press, telecommunications, the computer, and above all the Internet. Today new fields such as data mining and nanotechnology offer would-be inventors (or semi-intelligent software programs) massive amounts of “1 + 1 = 3” opportunities. As a result, the rate of innovation seems poised to increase dramatically in the coming decades.

It is going to become harder than ever to keep up with the secondary results of invention as the general public gains access to information and technology denied them for millennia and as billions of brains, each with its own natural inventive capabilities, innovate faster than social institutions can adapt. In some cases, as occurred during the global financial crisis of 2007–08, institutions will face severe challenges from the introduction of technologies for which their old-fashioned infrastructures will be ill-prepared. It may be that the only safe way to deal with the potentially disruptive effects of an avalanche of invention, so as to develop the new social processes required to manage a permanent state of change, will be to do what the brain does: invent a comprehensive virtual world in which one can safely test innovative ideas before applying them.

James Burke

A chronology of invention

Notable inventors and their inventions are listed in the table.

Chronology of inventors and inventions

inventor nationality invention year of invention

power and precision grips

Homo habilis stone tools c. 2 million years ago

Imhotep reading a papyrus roll, detail of a sculpture; in the Egyptian Museum, Berlin.

Imhotep Egyptian step pyramid 27th century BCE

Archimedes screw

Archimedes Greek Archimedes screw 3rd century BCE

Ctesibius of Alexandria

Ctesibius of Alexandria Greek float-type clepsydra (water clock) 3rd century BCE

Heron of Alexandria's aeolipile.

Heron of Alexandria Greek aeolipile (steam-powered turbine) 1st century CE

Cai Lun Chinese paper 2nd century CE

Johannes Gutenberg in his workshop

Johannes Gutenberg German printing press c. 1450

William Lee English knitting machine 1589

Lippershey, Hans

Hans Lippershey German-Dutch compound microscope; telescope c. 1590; 1608

Cornelis Drebbel Dutch oar-powered submarine 1620

Torricelli, detail of a portrait by an unknown artist

Evangelista Torricelli Italian mercury barometer 1643

Guericke, engraving by C. Galle, 1649, after a portrait by Anselmus von Hulle

Otto von Guericke Prussian air pump 1650

Huygens, Christiaan

Christiaan Huygens Dutch pendulum clock 1658

Giuseppe Campani Italian lens-grinding lathe 1664

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Dutch single-lens microscope c. 1670

Papin, detail of an engraving, c. 1689

Denis Papin French-English pressure cooker 1679

Daniel Quare English repeating watch mechanism for sounding the nearest hour and quarter hour 1680

Thomas Savery's steam pump

Thomas Savery English steam-driven vacuum pump 1698

Jethro Tull, detail of an oil painting by an unknown artist; in the collection of the Royal Society for Agriculture, London

Jethro Tull English mechanical seed drill 1701

Abraham Darby English used coke to smelt iron 1709

Newcomen engine.

Thomas Newcomen English atmospheric steam engine 1712

Known as Hadley's Quadrant, this is actually an octant with mirrors which allow it to also be used as a quadrant. Ebony, ivory, brass, and glass, by an unknown maker, c. 1800. In the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago. 46.2 × 34.2 × 7.4 cm.

John Hadley English quadrant for determining latitude 1730

Thomas Godfrey American quadrant for determining latitude 1730

air speed indicator

Henri Pitot French pitot tube 1732

John Kay, detail of a lithograph by Madeley

John Kay English flying shuttle 1733

John Harrison, detail of an oil painting by Thomas King; in the Science Museum, London

John Harrison English marine chronometer 1735

Benjamin Franklin American Franklin stove c. 1740

Benjamin Huntsman English crucible steel c. 1740

Figure 152: Sheffield plate teapot, English, late 18th century. In the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Height 16.5 cm.

Thomas Boulsover English Sheffield plate c. 1742

Jacques de Vaucanson French automated loom 1745

Arkwright, detail of an engraving by J. Jenkins after a portrait by Joseph Wright

Sir Richard Arkwright English water frame (spinning machine) 1764

James Watt

James Watt Scottish improved steam engine with separate condenser 1765

1769 Cugnot

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot French steam-driven gun carriage 1769

Bushnell's submarine torpedo boat, 1776. Drawing of a cutaway view made by Lieutenant Commander F.M. Barber in 1885 from a description left by Bushnell.

David Bushnell American hand-powered submarine c. 1775

Patrick Ferguson Scottish breech-loading flintlock rifle 1776

Samuel Crompton

Samuel Crompton English spinning mule 1779

Jonathan Hornblower English reciprocating compound steam engine 1781

William Murdock, bust by an unknown artist; in the Science Museum, London

William Murdock Scottish Sun-and-planet motion for steam engines c. 1781

Joseph-Michel Montgolfier

Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier

Montgolfier brothers French hot-air balloon 1782

Josiah Wedgwood.

Josiah Wedgwood English pyrometer 1782

Claude-François-Dorothée, marquis de Jouffroy d'Abbans French early paddlewheel steamboat 1783

John Fitch's steamboat

John Fitch American early steamboat 1787

threshing machine

Andrew Meikle Scottish threshing machine 1788

Edmund Cartwright, engraving by James Thomson

Edmund Cartwright English wool-combing machine 1789

Oliver Evans.

Oliver Evans American high-pressure steam engine (U.S.) 1790

William Nicholson English hydrometer 1790

Chappe, Claude

Claude Chappe French semaphore telegraph 1794

Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney American cotton gin 1794

hydraulic press

Joseph Bramah English hydraulic press 1795

Conté, Nicolas-Jacques

Nicolas-Jacques Conté French graphite pencil 1795

Senefelder, detail of a lithograph by S. Freeman, after a portrait by L. Quaglio, 1818

Alois Senefelder German lithography 1798

Henry Maudslay English metal lathe c. 1800

Alessandro Volta

Alessandro Volta Italian electric battery 1800

John Stevens, oil on panel, attributed to John Trumbull; in the collection of the Stevens Institute of Technology

John Stevens American screw-driven steamboat 1802

Richard Trevithick, detail of an oil painting by John Linnell, 1816; in the Science Museum, London.

Richard Trevithick English steam railway locomotive 1803

Jacquard loom

Joseph-Marie Jacquard French Jacquard loom 1804–05

William Congreve English military rocket 1805

Alexander John Forsyth Scottish percussion-lock musket 1805–07

Robert Fulton American commercial steamboat 1807

Heathcoat, detail of an engraving by T.L. Atkinson after a portrait by W. Beetham, mid-19th century

John Heathcoat English lace-making machine 1809

Blenkinsop locomotive

John Blenkinsop English geared steam locomotive 1812–13

McAdam, engraving by Charles Turner

John Loudon McAdam Scottish macadam road surface 1815

Robert Stirling Scottish Stirling external-combustion engine 1816

Sir Marc Isambard Brunel

Marc Isambard Brunel French-English geared steam tunneling shield 1818

René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laënnec French stethoscope 1819

Thomas Hancock English rubber masticator 1821

Macintosh, Charles

Charles Macintosh Scottish mackintosh waterproof fabric 1823

Louis Braille, portrait bust by an unknown artist.

Louis Braille French Braille writing system 1824

automatic spinning mule cotton manufacture

Richard Roberts Welsh automatic spinning mule 1825

George Stephenson

George Stephenson English passenger train pulled by steam locomotive 1825

Nicéphore Niépce

Nicéphore Niépce French permanent photographic image 1826–27

Nikolaus von Dreyse German needle-firing rifle 1827

Benoît Fourneyron French water turbine 1827

Goldsworthy Gurney English steam carriage 1830

Tom Thumb

Peter Cooper American Tom Thumb steam locomotive 1830

Henri-Gustave Delvigne French cylindrical bullet c. 1830

Cyrus McCormick

Cyrus Hall McCormick American mechanical reaper 1831

Jeanne Villepreux-Power French glass aquarium 1832

Obed Hussey American mechanical reaper 1833

Elementary electric motor.

Thomas Davenport American electric motor 1834

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage English Analytical Engine mechanical computer c. 1835

Samuel Colt, c. 1855.

Samuel Colt American revolver 1835

Rowland Hill English postage stamp 1835–40

Daniell, John Frederic

John Frederic Daniell English Daniell cell battery 1836

Edward Davy English electromagnetic telegraph repeater c. 1836

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Isambard Kingdom Brunel English Great Western transatlantic steamer 1837

Pitman, detail of an oil painting by A.S. Cope; in the National Portrait Gallery, London

Isaac Pitman English Pitman shorthand 1837

Charles Wheatstone.

Charles Wheatstone English electric needle telegraph 1837

key-type Morse telegraph transmitter

Samuel F.B. Morse American electric telegraph; Morse code 1837; 1838

John Deere

John Deere American all-steel one-piece plow 1838

Chauncey Jerome clock

Chauncey Jerome American one-day brass clock movement c. 1838

Isaac Babbitt American babbitt metal 1839

Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, lithograph.

Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre French daguerreotype 1839

Goodyear, Charles

Charles Goodyear American vulcanized rubber 1839

Johann Georg Bodmer Swiss gear-making machine 1839–41

William Howe American Howe truss for bridges 1840

Sax, lithograph by Auguste Bry after a portrait by Charles Baugniet, 1844

Antoine-Joseph Sax Belgian-French saxophone 1842

Thomas Jackson Rodman American prismatic gunpowder c. 1845

Howe, Elias

Elias Howe American sewing machine 1846

Hoe, Richard March

Richard March Hoe American rotary printing press 1847

Claude-Étienne Minié French cylindrical Minié bullet 1849

Kelly, William

William Kelly American pneumatic steel-making process c. 1850

Frederick Scott Archer English wet collodion photography process 1851

Hugh Burgess English American soda papermaking process 1851

Isaac Merrit Singer American domestic sewing machine 1851

Elisha Otis

Elisha Graves Otis American safety elevator 1852

George Cayley, detail of an oil painting by Henry Perronet Briggs, 1840; in the National Portrait Gallery, London

George Cayley English first glider to carry a human 1853

Henry Bessemer

Henry Bessemer English Bessemer steelmaking process 1856

Jean-Joseph-Étienne Lenoir's steam engine.

Étienne Lenoir Belgian internal-combustion engine 1858

Planté, Gaston

Gaston Planté French electric storage battery 1859

Christopher M. Spencer American Spencer breech-loading carbine 1860

Sondre Nordheim Norwegian ski bindings 1860

Robert Parker Parrott American Parrott gun (rifled cannon) 1861

Sir William Siemens, engraving after a portrait by Rudolf Lehmann

William Siemens German English open-hearth furnace 1861

De la Rue

Warren De la Rue English astronomical photography c. 1862

Richard Jordan Gatling.

Richard Jordan Gatling American Gatling gun 1862

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur French pasteurization 1863

Linus Yale American Yale cylinder lock 1863

Siegfried Marcus German gasoline-powered automobile 1864–65

Samuel Cunliffe Lister English silk-combing machine 1865

George M. Pullman

George M. Pullman American Pullman sleeping car 1865

Allbutt, detail of a portrait by Sir William Orpen

Thomas Clifford Allbutt English modern clinical thermometer 1866

Georges Leclanché's cell

Georges Leclanché French dry-cell battery c. 1866

Alfred Ely Beach American pneumatic tube 1867

Joseph Monier French reinforced concrete c. 1867

Alfred Bernhard Nobel Swedish dynamite 1867

Christopher Latham Sholes

Christopher Latham Sholes American typewriter 1868

Louis Ducos du Hauron French trichrome process of colour photography 1869


George Westinghouse American air brake 1869

John Wesley Hyatt American celluloid 1870

Margaret Knight American flat-bottomed paper bag 1871

James Starley: “penny-farthing” bicycle

James Starley English bicycle with centre-pivot steering 1871

Joseph Farwell Glidden American barbed wire 1873

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell Scottish American telephone 1876

Elisha Gray

Elisha Gray American telephone 1876

Melville Reuben Bissell American carpet sweeper 1876

Nikolaus Otto, c. 1868

Nikolaus August Otto German four-stroke internal-combustion engine 1876

Yablochkov, lithograph by Lemercier, c. 1880

Pavel Nikolayevich Yablochkov Russian Yablochkov candle (arc lamp) 1876

Joseph Rogers Brown American universal grinding machine 1877

Ephraim Shay American geared steam locomotive c. 1877

Thomas Edison

Thomas Alva Edison American phonograph cylinder sound recorder; incandescent lightbulb 1877; c. 1879

Maria Beasley English life raft 1880

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Serbian American alternating-current electric motor 1880–88

Hilaire Bernigaud de Chardonnet French rayon 1884

Sir Hiram Maxim.

Hiram Maxim American British Maxim machine gun 1884

Linotype machine

Ottmar Mergenthaler German American Linotype typesetting machine 1884

Charles Algernon Parsons English multistage steam turbine 1884

Karl Benz

Karl Friedrich Benz German practical automobile with an internal-combustion engine 1885

Gottlieb Daimler

Gottlieb Daimler German high-speed internal-combustion engine 1885

Josephine Cochrane American mechanical dishwasher 1886

Charles Sumner Tainter American graphophone cylinder sound recorder 1886

Hall, Charles Martin

Charles Martin Hall American electrolytic aluminum smelting 1886

Part of a modern potline based on the electrolytic Hall-Héroult smelting process.

Paul-Louis-Toussaint Héroult French electrolytic aluminum smelting 1886

Berliner, Emil

Emil Berliner German American Gramophone disc sound recorder 1887

John Boyd Dunlop Scottish pneumatic rubber tire 1887

George Eastman, 1926.

George Eastman American Kodak camera 1888

King, Franklin Hiram

Franklin Hiram King American cylindrical grain silo 1889

Herman Hollerith seated at his Census Tabulator, c. 1890.

Herman Hollerith American tabulating machine c. 1890

Ferdinand von Zeppelin German zeppelin airship 1890–1900

James Naismith

James A. Naismith Canadian American basketball 1891

William Seward Burroughs American adding machine 1892

James Dewar.

James Dewar Scottish vacuum flask c. 1892

Diesel, 1883

Rudolf Diesel German diesel engine 1892

Hayward A. Harvey American carburizing (surface hardening of steel plate) c. 1892

Edward Goodrich Acheson American Carborundum 1893

Otto Lilienthal piloting one of his gliders, c. 1895.

Otto Lilienthal German Lilienthal standard glider 1894

Auguste Lumière

Lumière brothers French Cinématographe motion-picture camera and projector 1894

King Camp Gillette American disposable razor 1895

Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi Italian wireless telegraph 1896

John Philip Holland Irish American gasoline-electric submarine 1898

Valdemar Poulsen Danish telegraphone magnetic wire recorder 1900

William Fessenden.

Reginald Aubrey Fessenden Canadian American amplitude modulation (AM) of radio waves 1900

Willis Carrier

Willis Haviland Carrier American air-conditioning 1902

Mary Anderson American windshield wiper 1903

first flight by Orville Wright, December 17, 1903

Wilbur and Orville Wright American powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight 1903

John Ambrose Fleming.

John Ambrose Fleming English vacuum diode rectifier 1904

Lee De Forest, 1907.

Lee De Forest American Audion vacuum tube amplifier 1906

Ole Evinrude Norwegian American marine outboard motor 1906–09

Melitta Bentz German coffee filters 1908

A Geiger counter is filled with gas, and a source of electricity supplies opposite electric charges to the container and a central tube. If radioactive particles enter and ionize some gas molecules, the electric current is able to bridge the gap between the container and central tube. The counter registers each brief spurt of current.

Hans Geiger German Geiger counter 1908

Leo Baekeland.

Leo Hendrik Baekeland Belgian American Bakelite c. 1909

Ehrlich, Paul

Paul Ehrlich German arsphenamine anti-syphilis drug 1910

Lewis, Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton Lewis American Lewis machine gun 1911

Elmer Ambrose Sperry American gyroscopic compass 1911

Charles F. Kettering American automobile electrical starter 1912

Henry Ford

Henry Ford American automobile assembly line 1913–14

Irving Wightman Colburn American Colburn flat-glass machine 1916

William D. Coolidge American X-ray tube 1916

Browning automatic rifle

John Moses Browning American Browning automatic rifle 1918

Zworykin, Vladimir

Vladimir Kosma Zworykin Russian American Iconoscope and Kinescope electronic television camera and receiver 1923–31

Baird, John Logie

John Logie Baird Scottish electromechanical television 1924

Clarence Birdseye

Clarence Birdseye American rapid-frozen food c. 1924

Robert Goddard

Robert Hutchings Goddard American liquid-fueled rocket engine 1926

Philo Taylor Farnsworth American Image Dissector electronic television camera 1927

schematic diagram of a Van de Graaff high-voltage electrostatic generator

Robert Jemison Van de Graaff American Van de Graaff generator for particle accelerators 1929

In a ballpoint pen, a spring is used to push out and retract the point of the pen.

László József Bíró Hungarian ballpoint pen 1931

Isaac Shoenberg Russian English high-definition electronic television system 1931–35

Armstrong, Edwin H.

Edwin H. Armstrong American frequency modulation (FM) of radio waves 1933

Ernst Ruska German electron microscope 1933

Laurens Hammond American Hammond organ (electronic keyboard) 1934

Ernesto Orlando Lawrence

Ernest Orlando Lawrence American cyclotron particle accelerator 1934

Wallace Hume Carothers

Wallace Hume Carothers American nylon 1935

Robert Alexander Watson-Watt Scottish radar early warning 1935

Frank Whittle

Frank Whittle English jet engine 1937

Katharine Blodgett American nonreflective glass 1938

Carlson, Chester

Chester F. Carlson American xerography 1938

Albert Hofmann

Albert Hofmann Swiss LSD 1938

Paul Müller

Paul Hermann Müller Swiss DDT 1939

Ohain, Hans Joachim Pabst von

Hans Joachim Pabst von Ohain German jet aircraft 1939

Igor Sikorsky

Igor Sikorsky Russian American production helicopter 1939

Hedy Lamarr American spread-spectrum technology 1942

George Antheil American spread-spectrum technology 1942

Jacques Cousteau

Jacques-Yves Cousteau French Aqua-Lung 1943

John W. Mauchly American ENIAC general-purpose electronic computer 1946


John Bardeen American transistor 1947


Walter H. Brattain American transistor 1947


William B. Shockley American transistor 1947

R. Buckminster Fuller shown with a geodesic dome constructed as the U.S. pavilion at the American Exchange Exhibit, Moscow, 1959

R. Buckminster Fuller American geodesic dome c. 1947

Edwin Herbert Land American Polaroid instant-print camera 1947

Willard Frank Libby American carbon-14 dating c. 1947

Paul, Les

Les Paul American eight-track tape recorder c. 1947

Leo Fender American electric guitar 1948

Telkes, Mária

Mária Telkes American solar-heated home 1948

Charles Stark Draper American inertial guidance systems for aircraft c. 1949

Ferranti Mark I

Tom Kilburn English Manchester Mark I stored-program digital computer 1949

Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper American compiler 1952

Virginia Apgar.

Virginia Apgar American Apgar Score System 1952

Charles Hard Townes American maser 1953

Uzi submachine gun

Uziel Gal Israeli Uzi submachine gun 1954

Wankel, Felix; Wankel engine

Felix Wankel German Wankel rotary gasoline engine 1954

Jack Kilby American integrated circuit 1958

Robert Noyce American integrated circuit 1958

first laser

Theodore H. Maiman American ruby laser 1960

DeBakey, Michael

Michael DeBakey American coronary artery bypass 1964

CDC 6600

Seymour Cray American supercomputer 1964

Computer interface pioneer Douglas EngelbartEngelbart holding a video conference on the right side of the computer screen while working on a document with a remote collaborator during a 1968 computer conference in San Francisco, California.

Douglas Engelbart American computer mouse 1964

Stephanie Kwolek American Kevlar 1965

Ritchie, Dennis M.

Kenneth L. Thompson American UNIX operating system 1969

Ritchie, Dennis M.

Dennis M. Ritchie American UNIX operating system 1969

Stephanie Kwolek American Kevlar c. 1971

Fig 2: Magnetic resonance spectrometer

Paul Lauterbur American magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 1973

Fig 2: Magnetic resonance spectrometer

Peter Mansfield English magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 1973

Vinton Gray Cerf

Vinton Cerf American Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 1974

Robert Kahn American Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 1974

Erno Rubik Hungarian Rubik's cube 1974

Frederick Sanger English DNA sequencing 1977

Apple II

Stephen Wozniak American Apple II personal computer 1977

Binnig, Gerd

Gerd Binnig German scanning tunneling microscope 1981

Heinrich Rohrer Swiss scanning tunneling microscope 1981

Patricia Bath American Laserphaco Probe 1981

Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee English World Wide Web 1990–91

Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds Finnish Linux open-source operating system 1991




Cars & Other Vehicles



By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Edit History

A 14th-century carriage suspended longitudinally by straps, drawing from Rudolf von Ems's Weltchronik; in the Zentralbibliothek, Zürich.

carriage, four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle, the final refinement of the horse-drawn passenger conveyance. Wagons were also used for this purpose, as were chariots. By the 13th century the chariot had evolved into a four-wheeled form, unlike the earlier two-wheeled version most often associated with the Romans. In the 14th century the passenger coach form of vehicle began to evolve. Coaches featured a rear set of wheels much larger than the front set and, therefore, a shaped body. This provided greater passenger comfort despite its lighter construction and made it possible for it to be pulled by a single horse. These vehicles were first made in Hungary and by the 16th century were in use throughout western Europe. They came to be used in place of the heavier chariots for state processionals and as the general transportation of the upper classes.

A horse-drawn carriage in Chicago.


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Key People: Clement Studebaker

Related Topics: stagecoach chaise buggy landau post chaise



Williamsburg: horse and carriage

Williamsburg: horse and carriage

By the 17th century, heavier vehicles had evolved, including the omnibus, to be pulled by teams of horses over long distances. At the same time, lighter vehicles designed for style and speed were also developed, and the suspension of all such vehicles was gradually enhanced by the addition of steel springs and leather braces. Some of these carriages were further improved by being enclosed with wood, glass, and cloth. In the 18th and 19th centuries a wide variety of carriage types were in common use. In the United States the stagecoach became familiar as a means of public transportation. In Europe the cabriolet, a two-wheeled vehicle, was used for this purpose. Much of the construction and form of the carriage could be seen in the automobiles that came into use in the early part of the 20th century.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.





Civil Engineering



By Ralph J. Smith Edit History


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Understand motion magnification, a technique enabling researchers to monitor tiny vibrations in infrastructure

Understand motion magnification, a technique enabling researchers to monitor tiny vibrations in infrastructureSee all videos for this article

engineering, the application of science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. The field has been defined by the Engineers Council for Professional Development, in the United States, as the creative application of “scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behaviour under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.” The term engineering is sometimes more loosely defined, especially in Great Britain, as the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools, and machine parts.

Pont du Gard, Nîmes, France

Pont du Gard, Nîmes, France

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Key People: Leonardo da Vinci William Thomson, Baron Kelvin Alfred Nobel R. Buckminster Fuller James B. Eads

Related Topics: aerospace engineering nuclear engineering geoengineering civil engineering military engineering

The words engine and ingenious are derived from the same Latin root, ingenerare, which means “to create.” The early English verb engine meant “to contrive.” Thus, the engines of war were devices such as catapults, floating bridges, and assault towers; their designer was the “engine-er,” or military engineer. The counterpart of the military engineer was the civil engineer, who applied essentially the same knowledge and skills to designing buildings, streets, water supplies, sewage systems, and other projects.

Magnified phytoplankton (pleurosigma angulatum) seen through a microscope, a favorite object for testing the high powers of microscopes. Photomicroscopy. Hompepage blog 2009, history and society, science and technology, explore discovery


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Associated with engineering is a great body of special knowledge; preparation for professional practice involves extensive training in the application of that knowledge. Standards of engineering practice are maintained through the efforts of professional societies, usually organized on a national or regional basis, with all members acknowledging a responsibility to the public over and above responsibilities to their employers or to other members of their society.

The function of the scientist is to know, while that of the engineer is to do. Scientists add to the store of verified systematized knowledge of the physical world, and engineers bring this knowledge to bear on practical problems. Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

Unlike scientists, engineers are not free to select the problems that interest them. They must solve problems as they arise, and their solutions must satisfy conflicting requirements. Usually, efficiency costs money, safety adds to complexity, and improved performance increases weight. The engineering solution is the optimum solution, the end result that, taking many factors into account, is most desirable. It may be the most reliable within a given weight limit, the simplest that will satisfy certain safety requirements, or the most efficient for a given cost. In many engineering problems the social and environmental costs are significant.

Engineers employ two types of natural resources—materials and energy. Materials are useful because of their properties: their strength, ease of fabrication, lightness, or durability; their ability to insulate or conduct; their chemical, electrical, or acoustical properties. Important sources of energy include fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas), wind, sunlight, falling water, and nuclear fission. Since most resources are limited, engineers must concern themselves with the continual development of new resources as well as the efficient utilization of existing ones.

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History of engineering

The first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at Ṣaqqārah, Egypt, probably about 2550 BCE. Imhotep’s successors—Egyptian, Persian, Greek, and Roman—carried civil engineering to remarkable heights on the basis of empirical methods aided by arithmetic, geometry, and a smattering of physical science. The Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, the Colosseum in Rome, the Persian and Roman road systems, the Pont du Gard aqueduct in France, and many other large structures, some of which endure to this day, testify to their skill, imagination, and daring. Of many treatises written by them, one in particular survives to provide a picture of engineering education and practice in classical times: Vitruvius’s De architectura, published in Rome in the 1st century CE, a 10-volume work covering building materials, construction methods, hydraulics, measurement, and town planning.

In construction, medieval European engineers carried technique, in the form of the Gothic arch and flying buttress, to a height unknown to the Romans. The sketchbook of the 13th-century French engineer Villard de Honnecourt reveals a wide knowledge of mathematics, geometry, natural and physical science, and draftsmanship.

In Asia, engineering had a separate but very similar development, with more and more sophisticated techniques of construction, hydraulics, and metallurgy helping to create advanced civilizations such as the Mongol empire, whose large, beautiful cities impressed Marco Polo in the 13th century.

Brugge-Zeebrugge Canal, Belgium

Brugge-Zeebrugge Canal, Belgium

Civil engineering emerged as a separate discipline in the 18th century, when the first professional societies and schools of engineering were founded. Civil engineers of the 19th century built structures of all kinds, designed water-supply and sanitation systems, laid out railroad and highway networks, and planned cities. England and Scotland were the birthplace of mechanical engineering, as a derivation of the inventions of the Scottish engineer James Watt and the textile machinists of the Industrial Revolution. The development of the British machine-tool industry gave tremendous impetus to the study of mechanical engineering both in Britain and abroad.

Alessandro Volta

Alessandro Volta

The growth of knowledge of electricity—from Alessandro Volta’s original electric cell of 1800 through the experiments of Michael Faraday and others, culminating in 1872 in the Gramme dynamo and electric motor (named after the Belgian Zénobe-Théophile Gramme)—led to the development of electrical and electronics engineering. The electronics aspect became prominent through the work of such scientists as James Clerk Maxwell of Britain and Heinrich Hertz of Germany in the late 19th century. Major advances came with the development of the vacuum tube by Lee de Forest of the United States in the early 20th century and the invention of the transistor in the mid-20th century. In the late 20th century electrical and electronics engineers outnumbered all others in the world.

Chemical engineering grew out of the 19th-century proliferation of industrial processes involving chemical reactions in metallurgy, food, textiles, and many other areas. By 1880 the use of chemicals in manufacturing had created an industry whose function was the mass production of chemicals. The design and operation of the plants of this industry became a function of the chemical engineer.

geothermal energy

geothermal energy

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the field of environmental engineering expanded to address global warming and sustainability. The development and deployment of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, the creation of new technologies for carbon sequestration and pollution control, and the design of green architecture and environmentally friendly urban planning are all recent developments.

Engineering functions

Problem solving is common to all engineering work. The problem may involve quantitative or qualitative factors; it may be physical or economic; it may require abstract mathematics or common sense. Of great importance is the process of creative synthesis or design, putting ideas together to create a new and optimum solution.

Although engineering problems vary in scope and complexity, the same general approach is applicable. First comes an analysis of the situation and a preliminary decision on a plan of attack. In line with this plan, the problem is reduced to a more categorical question that can be clearly stated. The stated question is then answered by deductive reasoning from known principles or by creative synthesis, as in a new design. The answer or design is always checked for accuracy and adequacy. Finally, the results for the simplified problem are interpreted in terms of the original problem and reported in an appropriate form.

In order of decreasing emphasis on science, the major functions of all engineering branches are the following:

Research. Using mathematical and scientific concepts, experimental techniques, and inductive reasoning, the research engineer seeks new principles and processes.

Development. Development engineers apply the results of research to useful purposes. Creative application of new knowledge may result in a working model of a new electrical circuit, a chemical process, or an industrial machine.

Design. In designing a structure or a product, the engineer selects methods, specifies materials, and determines shapes to satisfy technical requirements and to meet performance specifications.

Construction. The construction engineer is responsible for preparing the site, determining procedures that will economically and safely yield the desired quality, directing the placement of materials, and organizing the personnel and equipment.

Production. Plant layout and equipment selection are the responsibility of the production engineer, who chooses processes and tools, integrates the flow of materials and components, and provides for testing and inspection.

Operation. The operating engineer controls machines, plants, and organizations providing power, transportation, and communication; determines procedures; and supervises personnel to obtain reliable and economic operation of complex equipment.

Management and other functions. In some countries and industries, engineers analyze customers’ requirements, recommend units to satisfy needs economically, and resolve related problems.

Ralph J. Smith

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Alternate titles: universal product code

UPC, in full universal product code, a standard machine-readable bar code used to identify products purchased in grocery and other retail stores.

UPCs encode individual products at the stock keeping unit (SKU) level, allowing a manufacturer or retailer to track the number of units sold during a specified time period. This type of tracking can be an important aspect of just-in-time inventory management. The UPC is maintained by the Uniform Code Council (UCC), a nonprofit organization located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, U.S. Founded in 1972, the UCC administers the UPC for more than 200,000 companies around the world.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.

Wei Mengbian

Chinese mechanical engineer
Alternate titles: Wei Meng-pien

Wei MengbianWade-Giles romanization Wei Meng-pien, (flourished 340 CE), Chinese mechanical engineer. He devised numerous wheeled vehicles, including a type of odometer and a south-pointing carriage. He also built a wagon mill in which rotation of the wheels drove a set of millstones and hammers that automatically processed grain. His mechanisms anticipated those later used by European engineers.

Subjects Of Study:
This article was most recently revised and updated by Robert Curley

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