9 Ways to Earn Money with Text Messages



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9 Ways to Earn Money with Text Messages

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Even though it feels like too good to be true, but you can earn money even by sending messages. To make it easier for our readers, we have created a list of apps that can help you make money with text messages.

You can make money with text messages. Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but there are services that pay people to send and receive text messages. You already send tons of texts to your friends every day, so you might as well turn some of them into cash.

With millions of messages being sent every minute, text messaging has become a vitally important medium of communication. So companies are willing to pay people to text.

Now, the nature of texting and the texts differ by the platform. However, there are plenty of choices, so you can definitely find something that strikes a chord with you.

List of Top Ways to Make Money Texting

There are many apps where you get paid for text messages, but then there are many that are simply bogus. The following have been tried and tested, and many of them are quite popular to make money online.


You can also incorporate text messaging in blogs through LeadPages plugin.

Simply create a blog with Bluehost and set up LeadPages to create an opt-in text. This way you can communicate directly with your visitors and have them opt-in to receive emails.

Bluehost is the easiest way to start a website or blog. It takes less than 10 minutes to get a website up and running.

Bluehost costs only $3.95/month and you'll get a free domain name along the way.

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